She's at the kitty hospital and doing well. I took her there yesterday. She had a high white blood cell count which means she has some type of bacterial infection. They started her on IV fluids and antibiotics and just let her rest overnight. They are going to force feed her this morning (because she isn't choosing to eat) and make sure she doesn't vomit. Then if she starts eating this afternoon, they'll let her be. If she doesn't, they are going to put a tube down into her stomach to feed her for the next week or so until she gains some weight, gets her strength back, and starts eating on her own. I'll be able to pick her up tomorrow afternoon, and they'll teach me to feed her with the tube if necessary. I'm so relieved. I honestly wasn't sure she'd survive the 45 minute trip to the pet hospital yesterday.
I'm knitting up the hat design I created. It's turning out nice. Now to find some good yarn to try it out in. I'm just testing it with crappy cheap stuff.