Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Books are here

We finally got our books today from Connections. Two giant boxes with over 50 pounds of stuff. It took me a while to sort it, then determine what can be written in and what can't. I thought it was coming FedEx which comes in the morning, but it turns out it was coming UPS which comes in the afternoon. I ended up not being able to leave the house all day because I had to sign for the boxes and I was afraid I'd miss the delivery. My good friend took Cee-Cee to school and back for me, and brought over lunch afterward. They stayed until about 2 and then she took B home with her to do some school lessons with her daughter. I'm glad things have finally arrived so we can get down to "real" work and not just do a ton of math every day.
I have one Random Rib sock basically done and since I need to check it's fit, I guess DH will know what one of his Christmas presents is. It better fit, or I"m not doing it over.

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