Saturday, May 26, 2007

Yarn Shopping

Today we went to N's birthday party, and over to the B. household afterward to play and have dinner. M. and I took a walk about 1/2 mile from her house and there is a neat little yarn store there. They had 3 lovely rooms full of yarn, and one room just for patterns, needles, etc. I was in heaven. I got to touch the MMMMMMMMMMMMMMalabrigo (so glad I ordered some), along with other unmentionables (yarn porn). I did give in a buy 1 skein ($17) of recycled sari silk to make a skinny scarf with. It is gorgous and oh so soft. I'll try to take a picture tomorrow just to show off.
They also had some Araucania Patagonia Nature Cotton, and now I really wish I had some. It's absolutely gorgeous, soft, yummy, etc. I couldn't justify buying any without anything to knit with it. I guess I'll have to come up with something. I did check out a pattern I was thinking of buying and decided it was too much work (and too expensive) to knit with the Patagonia.
The birthday party was at a rock climbing gym, and since I'm still in the sling I didn't get to participate. Fortunately for us gimp parents, there was a couch and I was able to get a good start on Tater's Cotton Cardi. I'm not totally in love with the yarn (I love the color, but chenille is hard to work with) but I'm going to stick with it. It's not too difficult a pattern, so hopefully it won't take me too long to finish it.
We got home really late but I'm still awake so I think I'll knit some more. I'd rather knit than sleep right now. LOL

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