Monday, September 3, 2007

Birthdays SUCK (especially mine)

I hate my birthday. Something shitty always happens and it ends up being a sucky day. Last year my mom was in the hospital and she was discharged on my birthday. So I got to spend 3 hours in the car, more time waiting at the pharmacy, and then I got to spend the next 6 weeks taking care of a very sick mom. That really sucked.
This year wasn't any better. Sure, I got up in the morning and everyone says happy birthday, here's your presents, and then it was like it was over. Lunch time rolls around, I make everyone lunch. DH spends the whole day doing stupid stuff around the house and ignoring me. My mom and the kids baked me a cake, but I had asked my mom to make something else I really wanted (spinach and artichoke dip) and she decided it was more important to to the cake frosting so I ended up making it myself. Dinner time rolls around, DH is in the bedroom putting away laundry instead of even being concerned with dinner at all. I finally got really pissed off at him and he decided to throw the pot of bean soup on the stove. Whoopie, it's my birthday and I get to eat leftover bean soup that I MADE. I just sometimes want to feel special, to be treated like I'm special and important to someone. Not ignored the whole day in favor of painting the trim on the house.
So I was too pissed to eat dinner, and then it's time for the kids to go to bed. Well, DH gives them a bath and puts them to bed. We didn't even have any cake. So I sit and wait thinking may be he'll get me some cake and eat it with me. Nope, he even walked through the kitchen a few times without a thought. So I got up, cut myself a piece of cake, poured some milk, and sat and ate it all by myself.
Happy Fucking Birthday to me.


knitting chick said...

You think you had a crappy birthday? get this one, my birthday is the day before hubby's. and he forgot or something. But when I didn't even mention anything the next day for HIS birthday, he got mad at me. figure that one out.

Kerry said...

I'm sorry you had such a shitty day. There's nothing worse than not feeling special on your birthday. I hope next year brings a much better day for you! Happy belated birthday!!! :-)

Diane said...

Happy belated birthday.