Friday, June 22, 2007

IPOD socks

So yesterday in the car on the way up to Seattle I thought I'd make a sock for my IPOD. I had a pattern, but I didn't check to see if it would fit until I was almost done, and it ended up being huge. So today I decided to make up my own pattern for a snug fitting IPOD sock. I decided to make a "toe-up" sock and so I had to learn how to properly cast on. I remembered that I had seen on the site that someone had linked to Knitty's article on the magic cast on. So I pulled that up on the laptop and in less than 15 minutes I had it all figured out. So I'm making a cute little IPOD sock that has little cables and a lacy stripe up the middle. I think it's going to turn out nice.
I found out my Haiku bag is at the store in Hillsboro and I've convinced DH to take the long way home so we can stop and get it. I'm already drooling and I don't even have the bag in my hot little hands.
On a non-knitting note, we went to IKEA for the first time and dropped $550 on a bunch of crap. We actually did get 2 dressers to replace the one that DH and I share, and is falling apart. He's going to fix it (the drawers are broken) and give it to the boys and we each will have our own now. Whoopie! I'm tired of only having 3 drawers and they are always crammed full of crap. And my sock drawer has been sitting on top of the dog's crate for weeks now. We also got a bunch of other pretty nice stuff including a big butcher block cutting board for $10.

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