Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Lillehammer is done

I finished the Lillehammer hat today. It was quite easy and a fun quick knit. I had planned on casting on the Saucy socks today but haven't got around to it yet. I did knit a bit on the Rectangular Lace Shawl (BORING) and did a lot of listeining to Lime & Violet podcasts. DH brought me home these hideous huge headphones because the ear bud kinds all hurt my ears. I guess I have freakishly small ear canals or something. I ordered a new pair but I don't know if they will be here before we leave for our trip tomorrow.
The kids are driving me nuts and I'm glad for the 4 day diversion. I hope they are at least decent and sleep. It's always a crapshoot to see if a vacation will be restful or maniacal.
I'm going to try to cast on the Saucy socks now and get a bit of the cuff done. I hope I can do it.

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