Sunday, July 15, 2007

Fun with blogger

I played around with the template on blogger and put a picture on my header. The yarn is Lime & Violet's Sasquatch Superwash in Jump Swing. It's one of my new favorites. I had to turn down the opacity of the picture so you can read the text (Thank You Photoshop!)
I' working on the ruffle on the 3rd side of the Eyelet Baby Blanket. I keep intending to start a new project too, but I really want to get this dumb blanket done. The ruffle is the worst part.
My biggest baby (#1, the 10 year old) is off at Scout camp all week. He's not really an outdoorsy kid so this will be a challenge for him. I hope he sticks it out and has a lot of fun. #2 is upset he didn't get to do overnight camp (he has 2 more years until he can do that) and is now sleeping in a tent in our family room. I had a nice day at home alone with #3 while DH took the oldest up to camp and #2 tagged along.
I can't get motivated to do much more because I'm too tired. I'll get to the pictures tomorrow, or maybe when my sock blockers come.

1 comment:

Amy said...

My #1 - J1 12 yrs old - is at his first scout camp too! In fact, heading to breakfast now. Then all morning on the horses trying to get his horsemanship merit badge!
#2 & #3 - J2 10 & J3 6 - are making plans for a campout on the trampoline one night while J1 is away. We'll see.
Bad allergy day for me today - but that means Knitting!! so it's not all bad! :)