Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Up on my soapbox

I'm going to climb up on my soapbox for a minute. Be forewarned.
**************START RANT********************
I just found out today that our elementary school principal was busted for smoking pot in a public state park.
Yesterday I got all these messages generated by the PTA saying "let's all support Mr. Miller during this rough time". I wondered what it was about, but figured it was something medical. Then this morning I got an email from another concerned parent that said he was busted for smoking pot. So I googled his name, along with our town name, and found this article
I am both shocked and outraged. I'm supposed to throw my support behind a man who smoked pot, did it in a public park, just because he admitted it? It seems like the community is split on this issue. Most of the "old timers" support him and think that the legal trouble he is in is enough and that he should keep his job. I, and many others, believe that he should lose his job for it. The school board is behind him, and unless he resigns he probably will remain in his position. We moved here to get away from the big city, the drug problem, etc. Seems like we're right back in the center of it.
***********END RANT****************
Another OT moment. It seems my toddler might be finally potty trained. It just seemed to click this afternoon. Tomorrow will be the test. She did really good from about 3:30 until bedtime, stayed dry. Of course she peed on the potty about 25 times in that span of time. I guess the novelty hasn't worn off.

I knit about 4 rounds on the 2nd Saucy sock today, and 2 full rounds on the Eyelet Baby Blanket. It's kind of a floppy blanket since it's knit on such big needles. I'm not sure how much I like it but I'm not frogging it again, that's for sure.
I felt like crap, and it's about 9000 degrees here so I basically got nothing else done today at all.

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